JROTC at 3 schools accepts American Legion donations
MADISON – In keeping with an annual practice, American Legion, Post 229 of Madison has contributed donations to support Junior ROTC programs at three local high schools.
American Legion presented their annual donation to the Army Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps or JROTC programs at James Clemens and Sparkman high schools and the Air Force JROTC Unit AL-20021 at Bob Jones High School.
“The local Legionnaires annually donate to each organization to demonstrate the American Legion’s support of the JROTC and importance in which it views their programs in the development of young people as future leaders,” American Legion spokesperson Richard L. Blanton Jr. said.
“Cadets routinely participate in such American Legion activities as the annual placement and retrieval of American flags on Memorial Day and Veterans Day holidays and Christmas wreaths over the Christmas season on the graves of veterans,” Blanton said.
Representing Post 229, American Legion Commander Larry Vannoy and Americanism Chairman Tom McKinney visited the three campuses to present the gifts. Vannoy retired as a Colonel from the U.S. Air Force. McKinney retired as a Sergeant from the U.S. Marine Corps.
At Bob Jones, retired Lieutenant Colonel Randy Herd, Senior Instructor; retired Senior Master Sergeant Ellis Clark, Senior Enlisted Advisor; and Cadet Col. and Cadet Wing Commander Eric Petersen accepted the donation. Bob Jones Principal Sylvia Lambert attended the presentation.
At James Clemens, Principal Dr. Brian Clanton; retired U.S. Army Major Rezell Linen, Senior Instructor; and retired U.S. Army Sergeant Major Samuel McCray, Instructor, received the contribution for the Army Junior ROTC program.
At Sparkman, retired Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd Nathan, Senior Instructor, along with Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Dahl, took the contribution for their school.
American Legion, Post 229 in Madison meets monthly on second Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Masonic Lunar Lodge, 740 Eastview Drive. Membership is open to any honorably discharged veteran.
For more information, call 256-258-8534, email Commander@americanlegionpost229.org or Adjutant@americanlegionpost229.org or leave a message at AmericanLegionPost229.org or Facebook/American Legion Post 229.