Finley seeks re-election as Mayor of City of Madison
MADISON – Madison Mayor Paul Finley has announced his candidacy to run for a third term as municipal elections approach on Aug. 25.
“This is my first election as the incumbent candidate,” Finley said. Finley won both the 2008 and 2016 elections as a challenger.
“I’m asking for your vote on Aug. 25 to continue to work with our City Council to represent you and our Madison community by providing consistent and strong leadership as we navigate through unique challenges and begin to return to a focus on what has made the city strong: our fantastic quality of life in Madison,” Finley said.
“We have an incredible community. It has been an honor to represent Madison citizens as their Mayor,” Finley said. “We will continue to focus on managing our growth, supporting our school system, diversifying our economic base, and working each day to maximize city revenues to improve quality of life.”
Finley detailed his administration’s success:
* Madison City Schools – The city provided strong support in mediating Limestone County tax issue, he said. Created Madison Growth Impact Committee, developed Madison Growth Policy, promoted 2019 property tax increase and controlled Limestone County annexation to limit residential/student population growth. Also funding to pay School Resource Officers.
* City Council – Increased revenues from $32 to $40 million, continued to hold AA+ and AA2 bond ratings and maintained healthy General Fund balance, Finley said. Purchased Three Springs facility for future community center.
* Development – Sales tax revenue has averaged a 10-percent increase annually, he said. Working with Huntsville and Madison County, job creation, including Mazda Toyota facility, has created a demand of up to 50,000 jobs in next 10 years.
“Trash Pandas have set records in each development stage and were set for a record year when COVID-19 situation arose,” Finley said. “We continue to be set up for success, even with postponement of baseball and will move into next year just as strong.”
* Communication – Hired Communication Specialist. Two hours each two weeks dedicated to citizen meetings.
Finley will continue to nurture relationships with City Council; Huntsville; Madison County; and military and state leaders. Finley’s infrastructure aims include five-laning Hughes Road and Sullivan Street, improving I-565/Wall Triana interchange and full interchange at Town Madison.
For information, visit or Facebook/PaulFinleyforMayor2020.