Parents can track buses when school resumes
MADISON – When Madison City Schools returns to in-class learning, the MCS transportation department will offer parents a free tracking system of their school bus.
MCS spokesperson John Peck said Education Logistics Inc. (Edulog) completed the installation of GPS trackers on MCS buses last week. Now buses across all 82-routes in Madison City Schools will be able to be tracked through a special Parent Portal App. Users must obtain the registration code of your child(ren)’s bus from their school.
“This service will aid parents in knowing when the bus is getting close to the bus stop in their neighborhood or school,” Peck said. “A setting will allow parents to program alerts once the bus is within an identified zone. The tracking is through periodic “pings” from the GPS device, marking the location on a map that will be accessible to authorized app users.”
Peck added that more information about the GPS tracking service will be available when school-based learning resumes.