Madison City Schools’ LaTisha King receives “Ridiculously Amazing” award from United Way
By John Peck, Madison City Schools
MADISON – Madison City Schools is pleased to take part again in the United Way fundraising campaign. The campaign fundraising goal for the school district is $25,000 and the theme is “Together We Can Create Hope.”
LaTisha King, executive secretary to the superintendent and Board of Education, chairs the MCS fundraising efforts. This year, she earned the “Ridiculously Amazing” award from United Way for her longtime volunteerism in the United Way campaign.
This is what Claudia Bucher, director of Resource Development for United Way, had to say about Ms. King: “LaTisha has been a dedicated volunteer for the past 21 years with United Way. She is SELFLESS, HARDWORKING and VERY HUMBLE.
“Although she is the leader of the United Way Campaign each year, she never takes the credit for the success. She presents each school coordinator with beautiful certificates of appreciation after every United Way campaign. LaTisha has never received a certificate or any other recognition. Her recognition was long overdo. RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING has been a campaign phrase I have used for many years. It just seemed fitting that she receive this little award for all of the years of services with a smile.”
Congratulations Ms. LaTisha King for your long overdue award.