Four Madison Police officers to receive hero awards
MADISON – Four Madison police officers will be recognized for acts of extraordinary service by the Sons of the American Revolution, Tennessee Valley Chapter (TVCSAR), today. A ceremony will be held at the Madison City Hall this afternoon. This event is the second in a series of three hero awards’ ceremonies by the TVCSAR during 2020.
The Sons of the American Revolution – Tennessee Valley Chapter (TVCSAR) presents awards annually to a select group of individuals working in public safety and emergency medical response. These awards are given to those individuals who during the past year engaged in some extraordinary act(s) of life-saving or charitable service for the public. TVCSAR believes their very special actions warrant them being called a “hero.”
This year, four officers of the Madison Police Department will be receiving awards based on two events which occurred in Madison during 2020. The officers are: Jesse Scroggin, Shannon DeFazio, Jeremy McKinney, and Davin Hill.
These awards to Madison officers are based on two events. The first event occurred on April 14 at a local restaurant. It was in reference to a possible domestic violence call. A male victim had shallow and very labored breathing. Officer Scroggin administered CPR. With Officer DeFazio’s assistance, the victim was subsequently transported by EMS personnel and fully recovered. For their actions, Officers Scroggin and DeFazio will be given a Life-Saving Commendation by the TVCSAR for having acted quickly and professionally to save a human life.
A second event occurred on May 19 and involved an attempted suicide. A teenager was unconscious and had no pulse. Officers McKinney and Hill immediately started CPR and rendered several minutes of chest compressions. A pulse was regained; however, the victim, after transport to the hospital, passed away from injuries the following day. The family and medical professionals were able to harvest organs for use by others in desperate need of life-saving medical treatment. Based on their exemplary action, Officers McKinney and Hill will also be awarded a Life-Saving Commendation by the TVCSAR.
Benny Hannah, Vice President of the TVCSAR and coordinator of the chapter’s annual Heroes Program, and others from the Sons of the American Revolution will be present along with leadership of the Madison PD. Family members of awardees are sometimes in attendance.
TVCSAR President Ray Livingston stated that “members of the Sons of the American Revolution always remember those courageous law enforcement people who are often put in harm’s way. The TVCSAR has recognized these people for a number of years. We think it is especially important this year when our local communities have had to deal with so much considering the addition of COVID-19 issues. Our Chapter is proud to recognize these local heroes. “