American Legion Auxiliary accepting bids for Alabama Girls State
MADISON – American Legion Auxiliary, Post 229 in Madison is sponsoring delegates from Bob Jones and James Clemens high schools to attend Girls State 2021.
Auxiliary members now are accepting applications from girls who are in their junior year of high school and who will be in the senior class for the 2021-2022 school year.
“Many people have heard of Girls State, and the companion Boys State program, but many people do not know that Girls State is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary or ALA,” Jean Downs said. Downs is President of Madison American Legion Auxiliary.
“Alabama Girls State is a premier youth leadership program, which offers a one-of-a-kind experience to its delegates,” Downs said.
The 2021 session of ALA Alabama Girls State is scheduled for June 6-11 on the campus of the University of Alabama. The applicants should have an interest in government and current events, high moral character, strong leadership ability and above-average scholastic standing.
Deadline for applications is April 15. Counselors at Bob Jones and James Clemens will have applications for distribution to interested girls. Due to COVID-19, each school can work with the local ALA Unit to register junior and senior delegates.
“The Girls State program highlights the American Legion Auxiliary’s mission to honor those who have brought us our freedom through our commitment to develop young women as future leaders grounded in patriotism and Americanism,” Downs said. “The young women who participate in Girls State become knowledgeable of the democratic process and how our government works at the state and national levels.”
After the opening ceremony, the girls will hear an explanation of city government and gather in ‘city’ meetings for elections. Two speakers will discuss the concept of political parties and the two-party system. After party caucuses, the girls will conduct elections.
During legislative sessions, delegates will learn about leadership in Alabama and the process for elected officials to submit and evaluate legislation. Candidates for ‘county’ and ‘state’ offices will give speeches to the group.
‘Whistle stops’ will precede county elections and ultimately lead to elections for ‘state’ offices. In downtime, the girls can enjoy a karaoke party, Skit Night and the Inaugural Dinner. Gov. Kay Ivey is scheduled to speak to Girls State delegation.
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