Blue Star Mothers nurture bond of having a child in the military
MADISON – Because of COVID-19 constraints, the Blue Star Mothers organization hasn’t met in more than a year. However, members now are planning to resume their get-togethers each month.
Blue Star Mothers was founded in 1942 when the “Flint News Advertiser” printed a coupon asking mothers of servicemen to return the coupon. About 1,000 women responded and wanted to organize a permanent group. A couple of weeks later, 300 mothers met in the Durant Hotel in Flint Mich.
Throughout the dire years of World War II, mothers volunteered to work in hospitals and train stations. They packed care packages for soldiers and served a vital role in homeland security during wartimes.
Over the years, the organization’s membership decreased but held together by mothers showing pride in their children and the United States. In recent years, Blue Star Mothers has grown in strength. Mothers continue to hang Blue Star flags in their home’s windows to symbolize pride in their children’s service to protect the country’s freedom. (
The organization provides support for active-duty service personnel, promotes patriotism, assists veterans organizations and is available to support homeland volunteer efforts to help the country remain strong.
“A person needs to have a child in the military service,” Blue Star Mothers President Shirl Guiliani said. The group’s purpose is “to provide support for mothers of the military and send care packages to our sons and daughters who are deployed or at a remote duty station.”
Local members gather for lunch meetings and eventually will host guest speakers, along with participating in other outside social events. In addition, the local chapter helps out during Heroes Week by serving dinner at Lake Guntersville Yacht Club.
“My son is in the U.S. Navy and stationed at Ballson Spa, N.Y.,” Guiliani said. “The Navy has a prototype school there for nuke training. He was on the USS Lincoln and did the around-the-world cruise. He has been in since 2014.”
Shirl’s husband, Steve Guiliani, is a retired naval aviator. “And I just started working for the Learning Team, Ashlee Grove and Associates. It’s a tutoring company,” Shirl said.
Blue Star Mothers will conduct meetings on the first Tuesday of the month. “We are currently having meetings at different restaurants. We hope to find a place and time that will work for most of the members,” Shirl said.
For more information, visit or Facebook/Blue Star Mothers of Madison County Alabama.