MCS elementary and middle school students to keep masks on for now
MADISON – Madison City Schools Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols said Friday that elementary and middle school students throughout the district will continue to wear masks for the next couple of weeks. High school students will remain at “optional” status. Nichols made the announcement after reviewing current COVID positivity rates within the county.
“The Mask Matrix Protocols follow a two-week trend in the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) county dashboard,” he said in an email to parents Friday night. “We will continue with mask optional at the high school level as the positivity rate remains in the moderate level. The COVID positivity test rate in Madison County is 5.1%; therefore, we will remain with mandatory masking at the elementary and middle schools.”
The matrix, which was approved by the MCS school board earlier this month, states that when Madison County’s positivity test rate reaches the low (blue) level, as designated by the ADPH for two consecutive weeks, masks will become optional at the middle and elementary level. It only has to be at the moderate level for masking to be optional in the high schools.
The ADPH Madison County Positivity Rate of Test: HIGH (Red) 10% or above SUBSTANTIAL (Orange) 8 – 9.99% MODERATE (Yellow) 5 -7.99% LOW (Blue) 0 – 4.99%
Nichols also said the school district has four new positive cases of Covid-19. “We currently have 39 staff and students excluded for being associated with positive or presumptive cases,” he said.
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