Free time on your hands? Volunteer at Madison Senior Center
MADISON – Anyone with free time on weekdays can volunteer for an opening that is sure to give a fulfilling experience.
“We are in desperate need for volunteers, and we have plenty of opportunities to fill,” Levoneia Ayers said. Ayers works as Director of Madison Senior Center.
“With the onset of COVID-19, the majority the volunteers have not been able to return, and the loss of these valuable assets have caused a decline in the services we can offer our members,” Ayers said.
One volunteering option is for Greeter to welcome and assist visitors in the center’s lobby area. Time slots for greeters are 8 to 10 a.m., along with 10 a.m. to noon. This slot is available on Monday through Friday.
People are needed to work in the center’s kitchen and help in the preparation of food for the Meals on Wheels program. Kitchen volunteers can sign up for 9 to 10:30 a.m. on Monday through Friday (any of those time slots).
In related assignments, the center needs people to serve as backup delivery drivers to transport food for Meals on Wheels. “We have several routes to fill for daily routes with Meals on Wheels,” Ayers said.
“We need support people to include but not limited to BINGO caller, exercise instructor, computer usage, Smartphone instructor, sign language instructor and foreign language instructor to include Spanish and German,” she said.
“As always, Madison Senior Center thanks you for your support,” Ayer said.
Madison Senior Center’s address is 1282 Hughes Road, just south of Discovery Middle School. For aging individuals, the center strives to promote independence, emotional, social, physical, mental well-being and life enjoyment. The center provides access to community resources, social events and activities to keep actively aging adults engaged in the community.
For more information, call 256-772-6242, email or visit, click “Departments,” click “Parks and Recreation” and click “Senior Center.”