Chess league announces 2018 contests
MADISON – Although we’re now sweltering in summer heat, Madison City Chess League has looked forward to schedule contests during winter month in 2018.
The opening tournament for 2018 will be Winter Knights on Jan. 13 at Columbia Elementary School in Madison. MCCL welcomes any company, group or individual to sponsor this tourney for $500.
A players’ meeting for Rated Section competitors will open at 8:45 a.m. Contestants in Non-Rated should report at 9:15 a.m.
Played in six-minute games, round times for Winter Knights will run on Jan. 13 as follows:
* Rated sections – 9 a.m., noon, 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Time control — G/60;d5.
* Non-rated sections — 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Time control — G/30;d5
For Winter Knights, all players in rated sections must have U.S. Chess Federation membership before registering for this tournament. For USCF membership, visit or postal mail a form available from MCCL.
Entry fee is $20 for MCCL members in all sections and $25 for other entrants. All MCCL members must renew memberships each January.
Entry deadline is Jan. 10, 2018 for Winter Knights. On-site registration will not be available.
In Winter Knights rated play, individuals in places 1-3 will receive trophies, while places 4-6 and Top Female will receive medals. Non-rated players for each section with places 1-3 and Top Female win medals.
Next on the tournament roster will be Rookie Rally on Jan. 27, 2018 at Blossomwood Elementary School in Huntsville. This tourney has Rated sections only. Contestants will vie for team and individual awards.
Sponsorship amount is $1,000. Additional information will be available soon; check
The Bishop’s Bash competition is scheduled for Feb. 24, 2018 at Hampton Cove Elementary School. Only Rated sections will compete. Awards will be presented at team and individual levels. This meet has a sponsorship of $1,000. For up-to-date information, visit
The 2018 City Chess Championship on April 13-14, 2018 will have changes to its format. James Clemens High School will host the championship. Systems Products & Solutions Inc. is sponsoring the tournament.
“In 2018, Madison City will expand the levels and amounts of awards by conducting its first Grade-Level City Chess Championship!” MCCL Executive Director Ranae Bartlett said. “That means we will crown a chess champion for each grade level K-12. There is no need to qualify.”
The Madison City Chess Championship now becomes an open championship so that anyone can register to compete by grade level, Bartlett said.
Tournament coordinators will present awards at 7 p.m. to the top 3 finishers in each grade level. Each City Champion in grades K-2 will receive a $50 prize. Each City Champion in grades 3-12 will receive a $100 prize.
Competition for junior high and high school grades will start April 13. Time control will be 90/d5 in four rounds. On April 14, Elementary sections with grades 4-6 will have four rounds with 60/d5 time control. Also on April 14, the Primary sections for grades K-3 will have four rounds with 45/d5 time control. An awards ceremony will be held at 7 p.m.