Heritage Elementary program rewards good behavior, attitudes
Heritage Elementary School has enacted a program aimed at promoting and rewarding good behavior and attitudes in students.
Children Having a Mannerly and Positive School Spirit (C.H.A.M.P.S.S.) has become one of the more popular programs in the school.
“A character trait is selected each month and whatever student has shown a great deal of that character is selected,” said Larinda Donnell, school counselor. “For August it was respect and for September it was responsibility.”
Every teacher in the school is responsible for choosing two students out of their homeroom who have demonstrated a positive attitude toward administration and fellow classmates.
Heritage had 64 C.H.A.M.P.S.S. for the month of September, but next month that number will increase to 66 because the school is gaining a teacher.
“C.H.A.M.P.S.S. a great way to positively reinforce their behavior because it does encourage the student to make good choices and demonstrate positive behavior, especially for younger students,” Donnell said. “It encourages them because it lets them know their good behavior is appreciated.”
The ones who receive the designation are given a feature on the school’s morning T.V. show, a certificate and motivational pencil.
Sixth grader Laura-Lynn Chaffin has been chosen as a C.H.A.M.P.S.S. student every year she’s been in school. She said respect, determination and trustworthiness are the traits that have enabled her to receive the honor.
“You have to be respectful for the teachers and follow directions and be trusted,” Chaffin said. “It makes me feel good because I know they can trust me and I do well at school and do my work.”
Kindergarten teacher Leslie Parker said recognizing students with the C.H.A.M.P.S.S. program allows them an opportunity to express their individuality.
“It is a reward for displaying strong quality character traits,” Parker said, “It is a teaching tool that stresses how good character and good behavior can be rewarded and admired by teachers, parents and peers.”