McInnish chosen as scholarship recipient
Felecia McInnish, events, markting and communications coordinator for the Madison Chamber of Commerce, has been selected as the 2012 AMLA STS Marketing College Scholarship Award Recipient.
The scholarship award from the Alabama Mountain Lakes Association is given to those who meet the criteria of AMLA membership, have three or more years experience in tourism or a tourism related-field and are currently working in the marketing field.
It is a three-year commitment of one week per year to the Southeast Tourism Society Marketing College at North Georgia College and State University.
The scholarship will be awarded to me at the AMLA Annual Peak Awards Luncheon, Sept. 22, 2011 at the Marriott Shoals Conference Center.
“I’m very honored to have been chosen as one of the ten recipients from the Southeast region and will proudly represent Madison,” McInnish said.