Businesses donate to Cheer Brigade
Approximately 70 toys, as well as countless gift card and monetary donations were collected as a result.
Two businesses have done their part to help nine local military families struggling with financial hardships this holiday season.
Posh Mommy & Baby Too, along with Gallery Seven Photography held Pictures with Santa, a drive for the Madison Cheer Brigade.
Customers who brought a gift to donate to the Cheer Brigade were treated to an extra photo with Santa Claus.
Approximately 70 toys, as well as countless gift card and monetary donations were collected as a result.
“We had a fabulous response from the customers of Posh Mommy,” said Owner Lisa Vannoy.
Vannoy’s father was in the military. Her husband, City Councilman Larry Vannoy, is retired from the military with more than 30 years of service. Her son, Adam, is currently a Captain in the Air Force.
“Being brought up that way, we know those people protect and serve every day,” she said. “If we can give back by having such an event to help them, we’re all doing our part to help them ease hardships. We were so overwhelmed by the generous donations of the people that shop in our store.”
Darlene Grasham, owner of Gallery Seven expressed her pride in the community for “contributing to such a great cause.”
“The community really showed up to help these families in need,” Grasham said. “They really exceeded our expectations as far as giving. It was just overwhelming to see everyone’s generosity.”
She said it’s important that anybody who can afford to or has the means to help out should do what they can for the cause.
“We all need to take that on, especially the families of our soldiers,” she said. “We as a community need to take care of these families and their children.”
Gifts are being accepted through Friday Dec. 16 at Dublin Park, located at 8324 Old Madison Pike in Madison.
Financial contributions/monetary gifts will be collected at the Madison City Hall located at 100 Hughes Road, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Any donations made in the form of checks should be made payable to the City of Madison with the memo as: Madison Cheer Brigade.
Dublin’s hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m to 6 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to help wrap gifts. Email Gayle Milam at or (256) 772-9300 for opportunity to volunteer to wrap.
Volunteers are asked to bring scissors, tape etc. to assist in wrapping, delivery of Gifts to the soldiers and their families Dec. 16.