First in a series — Madison fourth-graders blaze to honors at Math Mania
Note: This article series will document Math Mania wins for students in grades 4-9 in Madison City Schools.
MADISON – Scores of Madison elementary students outscored other schools at Rocket City Junior Math Mania on Nov. 16.
Grissom High School hosted the competition at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. More than 700 students participated in grades 4-8. Children in grades 1-3 were allowed to compete in the fourth-grade division.
“A total of 117 students, divided into 33 groups, representing 17 schools participated in fourth grade,” Julie Goldston said. Goldston coaches the math team at Discovery Middle School.
Contestants completed individual and group tests. “The individual test determines the individual awards (for) the top 15 in each grade level,” Goldston said.
For the group test, the math team coaches “split their students into groups of no more than four. Each group works two tests containing questions from the topics of algebra, probability, geometry and potpourri,” Goldston said.
Madison fourth-graders aced practically all the top 15 places in individual awards. Maanasi Limaye from Rainbow Elementary School earned first place. Other Rainbow place-winners were Tyler Wingard, seventh, and Adam Mercier, fourteenth.
From Columbia Elementary School, fourth-grader Yuti Das captured second place; Thomas Nguyen, fourth; Justin Phan, fifth; Joshua Murphree, sixth; Minh Phan, tenth; Ria Sethi, 12th; and Yashi Das, 13th.
Other fourth-graders were Emily Lee in ninth place and Sarah Vaughan in eleventh from Heritage Elementary School. Sohan Mynampally from Mill Creek Elementary School took fifteenth place.
In fourth-grade group awards, Rainbow earned first place with Everett Krome, Maanasi Limaye and Jenson Wilhelm. In second place, the Columbia team included Sarah Guo, Noah Kleisner, Thomas Nguyen and E.J. Robinson.
Taking third place among fourth-grade groups were Emily Lee, Andy Moore, Vaishali Ojha and Harrison Strong from Heritage. Rainbow’s team with Adam Mercier, Nini Nguyen and Tyler Wingard earned fourth place. Mill Creek captured fifth place with Sohan Mynampally, Adi Singhai, Tyler Tankersley and Connor Wing.