Transportation employees Bermes, Brandon recognized for avocations
MADISON COUNTY – A clever photograph and a slice-of-life bus diary have generated praise for two employees in the transportation department for Madison County Schools.
Lisa McKinney Bermes submitted a winning photo. Tom Brandon’s blog has received national attention.
“To give back to schools across the country, Thomas Built Buses Inc. hosted its inaugural ‘Back-to-School Photo Contest,'” Geraldine Tibbs said. Tibbs works as public relations director for Madison County Schools.
The company recognized Bermes’ photo, “Best Friends Catching up After Summer Break.” The image shows two girls reuniting and sharing a secret as they exit the bus.
“The Facebook photo contest asked parents across the country to submit their best back-to-school photo for a chance to win a $2,000 donation to the school of their choice,” Tibbs said.
Bermes’ photo won for entries from the Southeast. She works as secretary for the county transportation department. To view the photos, visit
Brandon works as a fifth-grade teacher and bus driver at Walnut Grove Elementary School. He was nominated for the “Neighborhood Award for Best School Bus Driver,” sponsored by television’s “Steve Harvey Show”.
“He was nominated by many people that follow his blog, ‘Mr. Brandon’s School Bus,'” Tibbs said. “The bus route experiences he writes about in his blog landed him a place on the ‘Steve Harvey Show’ in Chicago.”
The episode with Brandon will air locally on Nov. 29 on My8-WAMY at 10 a.m. and FOX 54-WZDX at 2 p.m.
Teacher and bus driver Tom Brandon writes a blog that grabbed attention of the “Steve Harvey Show.” (CONTRIBUTED)
In Brandon’s blog, the “Kid Bell” entry tells about a boy inventing a ‘telephone.’ “He held up the two cups wrapped with string with the pride of any true inventor … Then he demonstrated how it worked, one rider held a cup up to my ear as the other one stood behind me and yelled into a cup, ‘Mr. Brandon, Mr. Brandon.'”
“The clarity was amazing … almost like he was right behind me yelling my name,” Brandon said.
To read his blog, visit