Registration opens for Madison Youth Football and Cheer
Madison Youth Football and Cheer is registering for teams at Dublin Park. (RECORD PHOTO/GREGG PARKER)
MADISON – Online registration is open for the Madison Youth Football and Cheer organization.
Associated with Madison City Parks and Recreation, Madison Youth Football and Cheer is the non-profit, all volunteer, youth league for recreation and instruction. Youth can learn about cheerleading and weight-restricted tackle football.
Online registration is open through July 20. To register, visit
On-site registration will be held at Dublin Park, 8324 Old Madison Pike on May 16 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on June 7 and June 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Madison Youth Football and Cheer league’s sole purpose is to provide the local community with organized, adult-supervised, healthy football and cheerleading programs. The activities are consistent with North Alabama American Youth Football, Inc. (NAAYF) and American Youth Football rules.
For more information, call Lesley Murrah at 256-289-1398.