State convention lauds Parker, Moeller, Horizon and Madison PTAs
Sen. Bill Holtzclaw congratulates Madison City Council of PTAs treasurer Lenore Clark-Sieg, from left, president Sonja Griffith, secretary Amy Moore and national president-elect Laura Bay at the 96th annual Alabama PTA convention. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Personnel and programs in Madison City Schools were praised at the 96th annual Alabama PTA convention.
More than 250 PTA activists convened at the Huntsville Marriott on May 2-3. Madison City Council of PTAs and the Huntsville Council of PTAs co-hosted the event.
Robby Parker, principal at Bob Jones High School, was named Outstanding School Administrator of the Year. Cindy Moeller, a clerical aide at Rainbow Elementary School, was named the Outstanding Support Staff Person of the Year.
Moeller was involved heavily in PTA during the formation of Madison City Schools. “She is the face of Rainbow elementary as the first person we all see. She knows every student by name and most parents,” PTA council president Sonja Griffith said.
Horizon Elementary School PTA was awarded the statewide Family-School Partnership Award for Communications. “The PTA’s work has been instrumental in building a great relationship between home and school,” Horizon Principal Rodney Richardson said.
The convention opened with the annual membership dinner, which Madison hosted. National PTA President-Elect Laura Bay was keynote speaker.
“Madison City Council of PTAs won the Helen B. Talbot Achievement Award for 100 percent participation from all schools and the Council Membership Award for highest percentage increase from last year’s membership,” Griffith said.
On May 3, state superintendent Dr. Tommy Bice joined delegates at breakfast. Mary Scott Hunter, District 8 Representative for Alabama Board of Education, recognized state-level winners in Reflections arts contest.
Dr. Allison Grizzle, Teacher of the Year, spoke at the awards dinner.
PTA leaders from West Madison, Madison, Horizon, Rainbow and Columbia elementary and James Clemens and Bob Jones high schools attended the convention.
The convention excited Griffith about the future of education in Alabama.
“The Alabama PTA is under a reorganization to continue meeting needs of parent groups at local schools,” Griffith said. “I met several other council presidents that are excited and doing creative family engagement projects in their districts.”