Herrington publishes debut novel, ‘Devil’s Storm’
Rebecca Herrington’s book, “‘Devil’s Storm,” explores a small town that its own people are destroying. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Rebecca Herrington’s debut novel, “Devil’s Storm,” explores the importance of “being on the right side of the battle … when battles lines are down.”
“There are two main forces in this world — good and evil. Everyone must choose one or the other,” Herrington said.
Herrington describes “Devil’s Storm” as a “Christian/suspense novel.” In the book, George and Eileen Winters and their five adult children move to the country to protect their family, only to realize they can’t hide from inevitable destruction following them. However, their children scoff at the danger.
“Their small, quiet, unnoticed family homestead in rural Alabama doesn’t even cause the passing cars to slow down. But beneath the surface lies a hidden world of mystery,” Herrington said. The book engages “an army both physical and metaphysical; not only man, but also ancient immortal warriors created before time began — for such a time as this.”
“‘Devil’s Storm’ is a book about how one small town was being destroyed by its own people, and the evil they had welcomed into their once peaceful little town,” she said. “But when they decided, almost too late, they weren’t going to sit back and let it happen.”
“Many people worry about our country being destroyed by attacks from other nations, but I see America being ripped apart from within by its own citizens,” she said.
At 57 years old, Herrington had never dreamed of writing a book. “But I believe this is a calling on my life. Just because we are old doesn’t mean that God doesn’t still have a plan for us,” she said.
Herrington has worked at Redstone Arsenal at various agencies for 14 years. She and husband Don live in Madison with their dog, Buddy, “who fills the empty nest since five children have grown up and moved away,” she said.
“Devil’s Storm” is available on amazon.com/DEVILS-STORM-Rebecca-Herrington-ebook/dp/B00WITGU2I.
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