Rainbow’s Field Day salvaged as chess party
On their improvised Field Day, a chess team member, at upper right, explains the board to kindergartners at Rainbow Elementary School. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – One their recent Field Day, students at Rainbow Elementary School faced a dreary, rainy day. Fortunately, their soggy outside party transformed into impromptu chess sessions inside the school.
“Rainbow elementary had scheduled Field Day for kindergarten through fifth grade, but, due to inclement weather, they had to cancel,” Ranae Bartlett said. Bartlett serves as vice president of Madison Board of Education and executive director of Madison City Chess League.
“Various grades adjusted plans accordingly for the day. Rainbow moved the moon bounces inside the gym and kept the snow cone station, but kids needed something else to do,” Bartlett said.
“For the kindergarten students, members of Rainbow’s sixth-grade chess team helped teachers to teach everyone how to play chess,” Bartlett said. Bartlett agreed that the rainy-day scenario was like ‘turning lemons into lemonade.’
Teachers set up tables for the youngsters to try their hand at the game boards. Kindergartners also sat cross-legged on the floor as a chess team member showed oversized playing pieces and explained moves on an oversized, fabric chess board.
For more information, visit madisonchess.com.