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‘March on Madison’ blasts in Sept. 27
Madison’s four band programs will command the field for “March on Madison” on Sept. 27 in Madison City Schools Stadium. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – An evening of pageantry, precision drills and musical fanfare will impress the audience at “March on Madison” on Sept. 27.
The marching exhibition opens at 5:30 p.m. in Madison City Schools Stadium and will showcase the four band programs in Madison: Liberty, Discovery, James Clemens Jets and Bob Jones Patriot marching bands. Bob Jones is hosting the event.
“Bob Jones will perform both its fun and entertaining football halftime show, featuring tunes from several decades, as well as its award-winning competition show entitled, ‘Delivered,’” publicist Elaine Oakes said.
Oakes encourages everyone to arrive early to get a good seat. Concession stands will be open and serve Chik-fil-A sandwiches, hot dogs, shaved ice, drinks and snacks. Famous Joe’s will bake pizzas onsite.
Parking is free. Tickets are $5. Four-year-olds and younger will be admitted free.
Event proceeds will help to pay for Bob Jones’ new 48-foot semi-trailer. The trailer will transport the band’s instruments and equipment to out-of-town games and competitions.
“The band has paid for approximately half of the cost thus far and will solicit donations from the community and alumni to finish paying for the trailer as quickly as possible,” Oakes said. Bob Jones Band Boosters also purchased a smaller 22-foot trailer for excess equipment.
“Previously, the band has had to rent two trucks each week, so the purchase of these trailers will ultimately save money. The award-winning band will make a great impression entering stadiums and venues around the state each week and at competitions and exhibitions around the country for years to come,” Oakes said.
March on Madison premiered in 2014. Bob Jones Band had just procured new uniforms, and band directors wanted to reveal the uniforms at a special event that focused on the band.
At its first marching competition this season, Bob Jones Band competed in Hendersonville, Tenn. on Sept. 17. The Patriot Band earned “Best in Class” for percussion, horn line and in large band category; “Best Overall” percussion and horn line; “Best in Division” Champion Eagle Band; and “Overall Grand Champion.”