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MCS calendar for 2017-2018 in review
Madison Board of Education has released an alternative calendar option for the 2017-2018 school year for public review. RECORD PHOTOS/Gregg L. Parker
MADISON – Madison Board of Education has issued a draft of the calendar for the 2017-2018 school year.
At the first of October, Central Office staff released the original, proposed calendar for public review. Parents, school board members and other residents offered suggestions and comments, MCS Public Relations Manager John Peck said.
“That input factored into the drafting of an alternative proposed calendar, following a board of education meeting” in late October, Peck said.
To access the updated draft, visit and click “Alternative 2017-18 Calendar Proposed for Madison City Schools” in the “District News” section.
The calendar draft has professional development for teachers on Aug. 1-4, 2017. The first days for students will be Aug. 7. A Collaborative Day, which means a half-day for students, will start Labor Day weekend on Sept 1. and continue through Sept. 4.
Fall Break is scheduled for Oct. 9-13. Another Collaborative Day on Nov. 9 leads into a holiday for Veterans Day on Nov. 10. Thanksgiving holiday will be observed Nov. 22-24 with no classes.
Classes will dismiss for Christmas break on Dec. 20.
Second semester will open for classes on Jan. 4, 2018. Schools will close on Jan. 15 for Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday. After a Collaborative Day on Feb. 16, classes will dismiss for President’s Day on Feb. 19.
Spring Break 2018 is proposed for March 12-16. April 13 is planned for a Collaborative Day. Weather days are built in on April 27 and May 14.
Bob Jones and James Clemens highs schools will conduct graduation ceremonies on May 21. The last day of classes for the 2017-2018 school year will be May 24 with a half-day for students.
A teacher workday on May 25 will end their year, just before Memorial Day on May 28.
Any individuals with comments about the calendar can email Dennis James at