Council approves $65K for police body cameras
MADISON – Madison police will be wearing body cameras within the coming months.
At Madison City Council’s April 23 meeting, Police Chief David Jernigan was authorized to buy Coban Body-Worn Cameras at $65,490. These cameras’ technology will replace in-car dashboard cameras, which now are outdated. Most area police forces already use body cameras.
Jernigan also will apply for a grant for bulletproof vests.
Fire Chief David Bailey swore in seven new firefighters for Madison Fire and Rescue Department: Cody White, Timothy Hall, Oliver Clemons, Cody Nowakowski, Christopher McEvoy, Tyler Drew and Jonah Cowan.
These larger payments were among regular and periodic bills:
* Drum roller for Public Works Department, $33,997.
* Dudley Construction, sidewalk installation at Cineplanet movie theater, $31,152.50.
* Pearce Construction Company, final payment, construction costs for Madison Public Library, $106,688.74.
* Turner Construction Company, pre-construction, schematic re-design and value engineering phase for stadium/multi-use venue, $44,660.
After almost five hours of discussion, Madison City Council voted 4-3 in executive session to renew the business license, contingent on specific conditions, for Three Springs residential treatment facility. City Attorney Megan Zingarelli opened the public hearing with Sequel TSI Holdings LLC, which manages Three Springs.
Council heard statements from Madison Police Chief David Jernigan; Betty Moore, Sequel Regional Director for Three Springs centers; and other Sequel staff members, including a lawyer representing the company.
In presentation of reports, Mayor Paul Finley summarized the two meetings for public input on growth of Madison City Schools. “The community can continue to learn as much as they want to about city growth for the next 10 to 20 years” in future meetings, Finley said.
District 1 Councilwoman Maura Wroblewski recapped the ReadyFest preparedness fair, Madison Market and A Taste of the Spirit of Madison on April 14. District 3 Councilman Teddy Powell met with homeowner associations in Edgewater and Mountain Brook to discuss Town Madison projects.
District 4 Councilman Greg Shaw thanked Madison County Commissioner Steve Haraway for street lights on Palmer Road, valued at $15,862. Shaw congratulated Shiloh PB Church for their building dedication.
District 5 Councilman/President Tommy Overcash said Human Resources has hired an experienced candidate at a higher pay step as Signal Superintendent. District 6 Councilman Gerald Clark said interviews for an opening on Madison Board of Education will be conducted the week of April 23.
Clark encouraged residents to apply for openings on various city boards. These openings are listed on
District 7 Councilman John Seifert attended Madison County Vietnam Veterans memorial ceremony on April 7. Seifert thanked Public Works for repairs in Hill Chase neighborhood and the Parks and Recreation Department for Palmer Park improvements.
In public hearings, council approved a retail liquor license from Beignet Cafe, 1591 Hughes Road, Suite A and on-/off-premises beer/wine license for Hampton Inn, 9225 Madison Blvd.
In department reports, Director of Engineering Gary Cheyoweth explained Johnson & Associates’ professional design services (not to exceed $5,300) related to Arnett Street drainage Improvements. The design work will consider the construction build-out on First Baptist Church of Madison’s property.
Cheyoweth said FEMA is releasing an updated study for flood plains. He presented a study on updates to the city’s flood ordinance.
An agreement with Croy Engineering will process traffic signal modification and intersection design for $10,750 and construction costs of $36,601.80 for pedestrian signal at Palmer/County Line roads.
IT Department will complete an annual SmartNet agreement with Cisco Systems through TekLinks for $10,104.43.
Planning director Mary Beth Broeren set public hearings on May 29 for rezoning property:
* Owned by Madison-West Inc. at Madison and Research boulevards from M1 (Restricted Industrial) to B3 (General Business District).
* Owned by Dr. James G. McMurray at Madison Boulevard and southern end of Hughes Road from M1 (Restricted Industrial) to B3 (General Business District).
* Owned by Michael and Noelle Dehmlow at 210 Patricia Road to R2 (Medium Density Residential).
Kory Alfred, Director of Parks and Recreation, received approval for a fireworks display agreement on July 4 with J & M Displays Inc. for $14,998.50. The city will pay $15,835 to disassemble the ‘bubble’ at Dublin Park’s outdoor pool and $28,757 maximum to Lee Builders for installation of diving blocks at Dublin’s indoor pool.
Council approved recreation to enter a facilities use agreement with ASF Foundation to host 2018 Alabama State Games.
Marc Jacobson, President of Madison Rotary Club, announced that the club will coordinate construction of the Children’s Garden at Madison Public Library.