School board approves 2018-2019 budget
MADISON – Madison Board of Education has given its final approval to the 2018-2019 budget for Madison City Schools.
Jana Gray, MCS Chief Schools Financial Officer, gave a final overview of the plan before the board unanimously adopted the budget on Sept. 7. The first budget hearing was held at the board’s Aug. 9 meeting.
The spending plan projects an estimated 4 percent increase in revenue. However, demands for growth-related spending make it a very challenging budget, MCS Public Relations Manager John S. Peck said.
Madison City Schools continues to rank far below most school systems in Alabama in per-pupil expenditures. Madison ranks 82nd among Alabama’s 137 school districts.
The per pupil expenditure average for Madison is $9,339 per student. The state average for per pupil expenditure is $9,671.
“The school district’s debt load is also disproportionately higher, with mortgages on so many schools due to historic rapid growth and not a broad enough tax base to stay ahead of it,” Peck said.
Madison City School’s total debt load is $156.26 million. Pupil-teacher ratios continue to rank among the highest in the state. Therefore, board members warn that the district needs new revenue for additional schools and teachers; otherwise, education quality will decline, Peck said.
In her budget presentation, Gray included slides showing the historic growth of Madison schools — from 5,500 students in 2000 shortly after the district’s inception to more than 11,000 students today.
In addition, the budget showed funding comparisons to peer systems like Homewood City Schools and even Colbert County Schools with far higher support from local taxes, Peck said. The budget shows 51 percent of revenues coming from the state, 36 percent locally, 5 percent from federal funds and the remainder from various sources.
“Ms. Gray’s report reflects a heavy emphasis on instructional spending at 76 percent; 9 percent going to operations and support; 4 percent each to transportation and administration; and the remainder to other areas,” Peck said.
To review the MCS 2018-2019 budget documentation, visit In the “District News” section, click “Madison City BOE Gives Final Approval to 2019 Budget.” The new window summarizes Gray’s presentation and has a link labeled “2018-19 budget” to open actual budget documents.