Volunteer with Legionnaires on Jan. 5
MADISON – A patriotic venue in volunteering is available on Jan. 5 with members of American Legion, Post 229 in Madison.
Volunteers will gather Christmas wreaths that have been decorating veteran’s graves in Madison cemeteries. “Now is the time to retrieve the wreaths,” Post Commander Larry Vannoy said.
“We are meeting at Madison Memory Gardens on Hughes Road just north of Madison City Hall at 10 a.m. on Jan. 5,” Vannoy said. “For the youth organizations, I realize that the schools are still on Christmas vacation, but please try your best to get the word out.”
Vannoy thanked the large number of helpers that helped with wreath placement in December. “We had a fantastic turnout, and we very much appreciate your organizations support to the veteran community,” he said.
American Legion, Post 229 in Madison conducts monthly meetings on second Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Masonic Lunar Lodge, 740 Eastview Drive. Membership is open to any honorably discharged veteran.
For information, call 256-258-8534, email Commander@americanlegionpost229.org or Adjutant@americanlegionpost229.org or leave a message at AmericanLegionPost229.org or Facebook/American Legion Post 229.