Thousands of teachers, students remember others at Christmastime
MADISON – Thoughtfulness of students and teachers in Madison City Schools is brightening the mood for many people (and pets) during the Christmas holiday season.
On Dec. 10, the district opened its 12 days of giving, which featured the outreach on each MCS campus. Before school that day, SGA students at James Clemens High School met to wrap gifts for the school’s annual Angel Tree. As a welcoming gesture, they invited newcomer students to join the fun, MCS Public Relations Manager John Peck said.
At Madison Elementary School, students held a drive to collect pet supplies. Dogs and cats at Athens Limestone Animal Shelter are benefitting from the collections.
In giving that didn’t involve wrapped presents, members of Officers of Future Health Professionals (formerly HOSA or Health Occupations Students of America) at Bob Jones High School ‘gave the gift of life’ by conducting a blood drive. Donors gave approximately 70 pints of blood. Students, teachers, staff and the Special Resource Officer participated.
The school community at Horizon elementary held a gift drive and delivered wrapped presents to residents at Madison Manor Nursing Home, 3891 Sullivan St. At Rainbow Elementary School, students brightened the holidays for old and young alike with a pajamas drive for military veterans and gifts under their Angel Tree for families in need.
Following a benevolent tradition for the district, Columbia Elementary School’s faculty again supported youngsters at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Because of COVID-19’s restrictions, the St. Jude Run changed its traditional marathon format, and runners secured pledges for the hospital.
At Heritage Elementary School, angel trees were the focus for gift giving. The ‘Elderly’ Angel Tree accumulated presents for senior citizens in a local nursing home. Other angel trees were set up for gifts to children and to pets.
Students in virtual kindergarten and first grade at West Madison Elementary participated in “Merry Grinch-mas,” a drive-in giving drop-off at the school. A promotional flier read “Grow your heart like the Grinch by donating to other Who-children.” For the Angel Tree, students donated toiletries and books. Students posted letters in a Santa-dedicated mailbox.
Wearing tacky holiday sweatshirts, Discovery Middle School’s faculty wrapped gifts for the annual Sugar Plum Tree. These gifts were destined for children in struggling Discovery families. In addition, Discovery employees helped place the school as top MCS contributor to United Way this year.
For its food drive, Liberty Middle School creatively rallied donations with the rotating hybrid schedule. Students in AA rotation vied for bragging rights with the BB group and virtual students. With its Angel Tree, Liberty’s population gave gifts for families in its own school community. S2S members, boys’ baseball and girls’ soccer teams adopted angels as a group.
Mill Creek Elementary School ramped school enthusiasm with silly dress-up days, like Ugly Mask Day. Faculty and students were generous in giving many presents so children could enjoy their Christmas morning.
MCS Central Office and Transportation Department ‘drew’ names for Angel Tree families. They also raised more than $1,200 with a wreath contest. Individuals bid on wreaths decorated with gift cards and treats, like a three-day condo stay. The money benefited a benevolent fund for employees with hardships.