Madison City Schools to stay on hybrid schedule through Jan. 15
MADISON – Madison City Schools will stay on a hybrid schedule through the end of next week, MCS Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols said Wednesday.
Nichols said that following consultation with the Madison County Health Officer and with the current positive rate for Covid-19, traditional students in Madison City Schools, the school district will remain on a staggered schedule.
Students are divided into two groups according to their last names and will either attend in-person classes Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday. All schools will use Wednesday for cleaning.
Students enrolled in virtual classes will not be affected.
The first day of school for the new semester was Tuesday.
Nichols stated in an email sent to parents:
“As a reminder, school-based (face-to-face) students in the AA/BB rotation schedule should follow the guidance of their teacher on days they are not in the building. This includes classroom expectations, assignments, asynchronous instruction, Schoology requirements, etc.
“MCS reminds stakeholders of the district’s health protocols while on campuses including requiring students and staff members to wear masks at all times, practicing social distancing to the greatest extent possible, encouraging frequent hand washing and sanitizing, adhering to directional signage, and prohibiting visitors in school buildings.
“Parents of students who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should remain home from school, seek medical treatment and contact the local school nurse. Symptoms include new cough, new loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever or chills, muscle or body aches, headaches, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue.”
Nichols added that plans for the week of Jan. 18 will be announced prior to dismissing for the MLK holiday weekend on Jan. 15.