James Clemens High School celebrates student-run branch with ribbon-cutting
MADISON – The Madison Chamber of Commerce and Madison City Schools joined Redstone Federal Credit Union Wednesday for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate its new branch inside James Clemens High School.
With the opening within James Clemens, both Madison high schools now have a student-run branch. Bob Jones’ branch opened in 2019. Student tellers at these branches take deposits, cash checks, handle cash withdrawals, and make money transfers, all done under the supervision of a teacher advisor.
“We are so excited to be a part of James Clemens High School and share in all the great things happening here,’’ said Joe Newberry, Redstone’s President and CEO. “This is our second branch inside a Madison City School and we are so proud of these student-workers who have a real desire to serve and are doing a wonderful job,’’ Newberry said.
Redstone now has seven high school branches, with 69 students and teacher-advisors currently serving in its Schools Program.
Newberry thanked Madison City Schools Superintendent Ed Nichols and the Madison City School Board for their continued support.
Dr. Nichols said having the branches in both high schools is a convenient service to faculty and staff, but also a valuable teaching tool.”This in-school branch will help strengthen financial literacy for all students as they transition to life after high school, while also generating funds for the school system through Madison City Schools’ Affinity debit card provided by Redstone,” he said.
Each time a Redstone member uses the affinity debit card linked to Madison City Schools, the school district earns money back.
Redstone has released 13 affinity cards for high schools, colleges and educational organizations since its Schools Program launched in 2017. The cards have raised $532,560 for those entities.
Any Redstone member can request an affinity debit card from their branch.